Assistant Professor of Geography and Environmental Sustainability–Earth System Science

University of Oklahoma

University of Oklahoma - Norma, OKlahoma

ID: 7294045 (Ref.No. if152465)
Posted: 3 months ago

Job Description

The Department of Geography and Environmental Sustainability in the College of Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences at the University of Oklahoma (OU) invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Earth System Science with technical expertise in Geospatial Analysis. We seek an innovative scholar with research and teaching experience in geospatial approaches to Earth System Science. We are particularly interested in candidates who work at the intersection of Earth System Science and socioecological systems to address the impacts of global environmental change. Specific disciplinary foci may include, but are not limited to the following: Climate Sciences, Land Cover and Land Use Change, Biogeochemistry, Geomorphology, and Natural Resource Management.

·         Ph.D. in Geography or a closely related discipline

·         Established record of high-quality research and publications

·         Demonstrated record of, or clear potential for, obtaining extramural funding

·         Familiarity with effective teaching practices and mentoring approaches that support students from a wide range of backgrounds

Review of candidates will begin on December 16, 2024 and will continu until the position is filled. The start date for the position is expected to be Fall 2025.

Applicants should submit 1) a cover letter describing their interest in and highlighting their qualifications for the position, 2) a full curriculum vitae, 3) a 1-2 page research plan listing accomplishments and future plans, 4) a 1-2 page teaching plan listing teaching experience and future interests, and 5) contact information (email and phone numbers) for three people who will be asked to provide confidential letters of recommendation. Please combine all these materials into one file and submit via Interfolio at:

For questions or issues, please contact Michael Wimberly at [email protected] or (405) 325-6524.