Postdoctoral Research Associate-Theoretical Physics-Atomic, Molecular and Optical

University of Oklahoma

University of Oklahoma, OKlahoma

ID: 7202754 (Ref.No. if130402)
Posted: December 20, 2023

Job Description


The Blume group from the Homer L. Dodge Department of Physics and Astronomy and the Center for Quantum Research and Technology at the University of Oklahoma (OU) invites applications for a Postdoctoral Researcher position in Theoretical Atomic, Molecular, and Optical (AMO) Physics. Topics of interest include the following: (1) Synchronization at the classical to quantum transition (2) Quantum self-organization (3) Non-Equilibrium Dynamics (4) Ultracold atoms and molecules (5) Controlling and utilizing Rydberg atoms, transition from few- to many-body physics (6) Atomic ensembles and few-level systems in the presence of classical and quantum drives. The position offers several opportunities to collaborate with experimental groups, both at the University of Oklahoma and elsewhere. The group’s website is located at

Applicants must have a Ph.D. in Physics or a related area. Experience in the areas of Quantum Optics, Atomic Physics, Cold Atom Physics, Dissipative Dynamics, and Numerical techniques will be considered favorably. 

To apply, please upload your application materials [cover letter, curriculum vitae (including a list of publications), statement of research interests and plans (up to two pages), and contact information for three letters of reference to . Please also arrange for three letters of reference to be sent directly to [email protected]

Applications will be given full consideration till the position is filled. For questions, please contact Prof. Doerte Blume at [email protected].